What is R@cePl@y?

Raceplay is essentially any person including white that likes to be called derogatory names during sex. Its considered very taboo because the majority of the community that covets this are black males and since its using the most infamous word in the American English Lexicon "Ni**er" its considered racist and taboo.
The weight of the "N" word:
The word ni**er was used in America as a way to denote the slaves that worked for the plantation owners or any owner, to be a slave you had to have an owner. The owner was 'massa' or master, and the workers were slaves or "ni**ers" The origin is from the word Negro (black in Spanish) the word came from the shortening of the Spanish word or omitting the "O".
The word nigger carries with it much of the hatred and repulsion directed toward Africans and African Americans. Historically, nigger defined, limited, and mocked African Americans. It was a term of exclusion, a verbal justification for discrimination. Whether used as a noun, verb, or adjective, it reinforced the stereotype of the lazy, stupid, dirty, worthless parasite. No other American ethnophaulism carried so much purposeful venom.(Jim Crow Museum )
No American minority group has been caricatured as often, in as many ways, as have black people. These caricatures combined distorted physical descriptions and negative cultural and behavior stereotypes. The Coon caricature, for example, was a tall, skinny, loose-jointed, dark-skinned male, often bald, with oversized, ruby-red lips. His clothing was either ragged and dirty or outlandishly gaudy. His slow, exaggerated gait suggested laziness. He was a pauper, lacking ambition and the skills necessary for upward social mobility. He was a buffoon. When frightened, the Coon's eyes bulged and darted. His speech was slurred, halted, and replete with malapropisms. His shrill, high-pitched voice made white people laugh. The Coon caricature dehumanized black people, and served as a justification for social, economic, and political discrimination.(Jim Crow Museum )
Nigger may be viewed as an umbrella term - a way of saying that black people have the negative characteristics of the Coon, Buck, Tom, Mammy, Sambo, Picaninny, and other anti-black caricatures. Nigger, like the caricatures it encompasses and implies, belittles black people, and rationalizes their mistreatment. The use of the word or its variants by black people has not significantly lessened its sting. This is not surprising. The historical relationship between European Americans and African Americans was shaped by a racial hierarchy which spanned three centuries. Anti-black attitudes, values, and behavior were normative. Historically, nigger more than any word captured the personal antipathy and institutionalized racism directed toward black people. It still does.(Jim Crow Museum )
No black people are niggers, irrespective of behavior, income, ambition, clothing, ability, morals, or skin color. Finally, if continued use of the word lessened its sting then nigger would by now have no sting. Black people, beginning in slavery, have internalized the negative images that white society cultivated and propagated about black skin and black people. This is reflected in periods of self- and same-race loathing. The use of the word nigger by black people reflects this loathing, even when the user is unaware of the psychological forces at play. Nigger is the ultimate expression of white racism and white superiority no matter how it is pronounced. It is a linguistic corruption, a corruption of civility. Nigger is the most infamous word in American culture. Some words carry more weight than others. At the risk of hyperbole, is genocide just another word? Pedophilia? Obviously, no: neither is nigger.(Jim Crow Museum )
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